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Since March 2020, I have a beloved dog who came through the Aspen Animal Shelter from the National Mill Dog Rescue. My girl was previously called “Cassidy”. Her name is now Tasha as I found that more appropriate for a dear, lovely tri-pawed trying to do her best.
Tasha has slowly but surely made her transition from shy, scared rescue to a beloved pet. From hiding in corners, she has emerged and learned (partly from her dog roomate, Annie, another rescue) to be adored, play with toys, wag her tail, bark & howl, sleep on my bed, chew bones, dig in the yard, hunt in my pasture and go for car rides (Yippee! her favorite). Tasha has her own elevated car seat and seatbelt.
Due to her disability, she has ramps and steps and is lifted on and off high spots, always. She waits and wags her tail when she knows she will be accommodated.
This chapter of her life is titled, “Princess.” —Susan Cuseo
Luna is thriving in her new home with help from her big brother Henry, an 8-year-old lab mix adopted in March 2017 from the Aspen Animal Shelter. Initially, Luna was pretty nervous in her new home and sought sanctuary in a bedroom. After a week, she began to warm up to her new surroundings and family; she quickly became Henry’s shadow. Luna loves going for walks and prefers to walk right next to her brother; she presses up against him when strangers walk by. After watching Henry play with toys, Luna now has a love of stuffed animals and Chuck-it balls. She especially likes to retrieve balls that Henry has lost in the snow and then she prances around with Henry following and waiting for her to drop the ball. She still gets nervous around strangers but she is starting to warm up to friends, especially when she sees Henry’s approval.
“It is so heart-warming to watch Luna transform from a shy, timid dog into a more confident, playful dog. We are so grateful to the Aspen Animal Shelter for both Luna & Henry – they bring so much joy and adventure to our family.”— Val and Bill Stevenson.